• Bira Fabrikası (W. Wenders'den sonra), 1991, 100x168cm / Brewery (After W. Wenders), 1991, 100x168cm

  • Sokak, 1999, 85x120cm / Street, 1999, 85x120cm

  • 100m., 1995, 137x200cm

  • Parkta, 1996 200x275cm / At the Park, 1996, 200x275cm

  • Ağaç, 1997, 140x200cm / Tree, 1997, 140x200cm

  • Vitrin, 1997, 85x120cm / Shop Window, 1997, 85x120cm

  • Gerd Metroda, 1998, 140x160cm / Gerd at the Metro, 1998, 140x160cm

  • İsimsiz, 1998 / (Untitle), 1998

  • 1 No'lu Daire, 1998, 200x275cm / Apartment No.1 , 1998, 200x275cm

  • Fatih Özgüven portresi, 1999, 85x120cm / Portrait of Fatih Özgüven, 1999, 85x120cm

  • ''Gentlemen Take Polaroids'', 1999, 140x175cm

  • Sergide, 1992, 160x140cm / At the Exhibition, 1992, 160x140cm

  • Pencere (Bira Fabrikası II), 1991, 120x65.5x8.5cm / Window (Brewery II) 1991, 120x65.5x8.5cm

  • Kabul Günü (J.F. Jonvelle'den sonra), 1992, 140x210cm, (3 parça bitişik, her biri 140x70cm) / Reception Day ( After J.F. Jonvelle ), 1992, 140x210cm, (adjoined 3 pieces, each 140x70cm)

  • İskele, 1993, 140x480cm (3 parça bitişik, her biri 140x160cm) / Boat-Landing, 1993, 140x480cm (adjoined 3 pieces, each 140x160cm)

  • Kapılar, 1997-98, Triptik (Herbiri 180x80cm) / Doors, 1997-98, Triptych (Each panel 180x80cm)

  • Gazhane, 1998, 140x320cm, (2 parça bitişik, her biri 140x160cm) / Gas-Works, 1998, 140x320cm, (adjoined 2 pieces, each 140x160cm)

  • Gişe, 1997, 140x320cm, (2 parça bitişik, her biri 140x160cm) / Ticket Window, 1997, 140x320cm, (adjoined 2 pieces, each 140x160cm)